Steve has been a fixture on the Northwest Florida music scene since the late 90’s. Coming from a family of music lovers, Steve began piano lessons at the age of four continuing on to master ukulele, guitar & drums. Early influences from the Kingston Trio, country-western, classical music, and particularly the British invasion whetted Steve’s appetite for the guitar and drums. The British Invasion particularly instilled a love of the raw edge of rock n roll. Steve continued to develop his improvisation skills while serving worldwide with the US Air Force. Musicians he met while on active duty acted as mentors, helping him hone his soloing and rhythm guitar chops. Steve explains, “One day in my teens during my drumming days, before practice, I had tried out our guitarist’s electric guitar. I had been playing guitar for years, but, it was all acoustic and not amplified. I had no idea how sloppy my playing was. Every little mistake was several times louder, I could hear them all and they were terrible! (Laughing) That was an important lesson in cleaning up my playing. With some hard work I got much better!” Steve is currently the newest member of Red Moon Travelers.